Aktuelnosti - Ekourbanizam

Pariz kao pametni grad budućnosti

Ali, ono što možemo očekivati od francuske firme Vincent Callebaut Architectures, odnosno ono što možemo videti iz njihovih planova za Pariz je nešto do sada neviđeno. Iako ćemo morati da čekamo do 2050. godine, isplatiće nam se, jer će po gotovim radovima francuska prestonica biti pravi raj pametne arhitekture.
Prateći Klimatski Energetski Plan Pariza sa ciljem smanjivanja 75% efekta staklene bašte i emisija štetnih gasova do 2050. godine, Paris Smart City je projekat koji uključuje istraživanje i razvoj integracije visokih građevina sa plus-energy sistemom koji proizvodi energiju za okolna područja. Kako bi se borili protiv fenomena urbanog toplog ostrva, podižući u isto vreme gustinu naseljenosti grada na daleke staze, ova studija prikazuje nam osam tipova mešovitih tornjeva.

Otkriveni planovi za dansku Delta četvrt

Located close to Copenhagen, Vinge is Denmark’s newest sustainable city. The first neighborhood for the city, designed by Danish landscape architects SLA for the Municipality of Frederikssund is aptly named the Delta District. The plan takes advantage of man-made landscape features to create a unique residential community closely tied to nature. Read on after the break to learn more about the proposed plan.

Prvi soliteri sa vertikalno-etažnim vrtovima u Milanu Stefana Boeri-a kao uspešno dopunjen i razrađeni koncept Le Corbusier-a

Ovo su nove vizije u ekourbanizmu. Ovi soliteri arhitekte Stefana Boeri-a u kojima stanuju ljudi i pejzaž, grade se od 2011. g. u Milanu. Početkom oktobra 2014 saznali smo preko Miss Mine Stević dia da su završeni i da će 2015 godine biti useljeni. Vidi link: www.theinformationdaily.com

Taj graditeljsko-urbani pejzaž koji je neposredno vezan za solitere koje je Stefan Boeri nazvao "Bosco Verticale" čine u stvari vertikalno-etažni vrtovi na sve 4. fasade. Ovi prvi soliteri u Milanu sa vertikalno-etažnim vrtovima, prvi su vesnici uspešno "razrađenog i dopunjenog Le Corbusier-a" ili novog koncepta i novih mogućnosti u oblasti ekourbanizma.

Vertikalni urbanizam Le Corbusier-a stvorio je i afirmisao krovne vrtove. Međutim, u prvoj polovini 20. veka Le Corbusier nije imao rešenje za vertikalno-etažne vrtove na fasadama solitera. Nakon Le Cobusier-a, tek u prvoj polovini 21. veka, Stefan Boeri prvi je arhitekta koji je uspešno razradio vertikalno-etažne vrtove na sve 4 fasade solitera. Na taj način, Stefan Boeri prvi je vertikalnom urbanizmu udahnuo, artikulisao i afirmisao novu i održivu urbanosredinsku ili organsku dimenziju života.

Time su stvoreni svi uslovi za implementaciju održivih principa 3D ekoreciprociteta između pejzažno, visoko i nisko građenih fizičkih struktura u naseljima kao relevantnim urbanosredinskim prebivalištima. To i jeste razlog da posetite www.pipaugs.org.rs i da pored ovih slika, pročitate i naučne radove koji u tom smislu daju najbolje informacije. Isto tako, u vezi s tim pogledajte još link:



U Dubaiju se planira gradnja ekološkog grada koji će se prostirati na površini od 46 hektara, a od toga će na 5,5 hektara biti postavljeni fotonaponski paneli koji će zadovoljavati 50% ukupnih potreba za električnom energijom. U gradu će se nalaziti 550 luksuznih vila, organske farme, obrazovne ustanove, muzej, planetarijum, eko odmaralište i 5,5 hektara fotonaponskih panela. U planu je i uvođenje alternativnih načina transporta kako bi se smanjila emisija ugljen dioksida. Svaka vila će imati instalirane fotonaponske panele koji će proizvoditi 60% električne energije za potrebe ukućana. Takođe, svako domaćinstvo će imati i pametni vodovodni sistem koji će kontrolisati potrošnju vode i smanjiti je za 30%. Sive i otpadne vode će se prečišćavati i koristiti za zalivanje 20 organskih bašti koje će se prostirati u svim delovima grada. Postojaće i centar za reciklažu otpada. Izgradnja ovog održivog grada je planirana u 4 faze. Prvih 100 vila i gradska kuća će biti izgrađene do kraja 2014. godine, a ceo grad do 2016. godine.

Vertikalna farma
Cranbourne's Garden Wins Landscape of the Year Award

The Australian Garden, designed by landscape studio Taylor Cullity Lethlean and Paul Thompson, won the prestigious award during World Architecture Week. The Australian Garden is Victoria's newest botanic garden and is located in Cranbourne, Victoria, a division of Melbourne's Royal Botanic Gardens. "Like a botanic garden, it is a collection of difference, but with a strong unifying set of journeys through the various landscapes," said the award's judging panel.
From the desert to the rugged coast, the landscaped garden encapsulates everything landscape architecture should including ecology, architecture, horticulture, and art. Over 170,000 plants from 1,700 species grow on the 15-hectare former sand quarry site. The gardens send visitors on a metaphorical journey of water through the various landscapes that comprise Australia. "This garden brilliantly summarises the great variety of Australian flora as well as the large part of the country which is arid desert," the jury said.

Vertical Gardens to Cultivate Sustainable Skyscraper

It's not the unconvential design that has everyone talking, however, with more focus place on the architects' vision to create a top-to-bottom vertical garden city that encourages sustainable living. The curved design of the skyscraper project, titled Green8, twists into a figure-8 shape, wrapping around multiple levels of vertical gardens embedded into the buildings hollow sections. The skyscraper will include 45,000 square metres of building space and will be located in the heart of Alexanderplatz, a large public square and transport hub in the Mitte district of Berlin. While twisted skyscrapers have been applauded for their architectural aesthetic and their ability to reduce wind-force on buildings, Green8 will go a step further, creating a sustainable community in a typical urban setting. The project was designed by architects Agnieskzka Preibisz and Peter Sandhaus, who were looking to help foster a stronger sense of community.

Egzoram kula

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Urban revitalization of mass housing
UN-Habitat International Competition Announcement

We are excited to announce UN-Habitat's new international competition on the "Urban Revitalization of Mass Housing". The competition is initiated by the Global Housing Strategy's campaign on "Placing Housing at the Centre" which seeks to address the challenges currently facing mass/social/public housing around the globe whilst introducing ASR (Academic Social Responsibility) and encouraging CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

The competition aims to render monolithic mass housing into more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable areas by integrating mixed uses, improving densities and mobility, and reducing their Eco-footprint. The contest also strives to strengthen ties between academia, professionals, local authorities, the private sector and mass housing residents.

From 1 September 2013 to 31 January 2014, teams of university students and/or recent graduates are invited to innovate and compete for seven regional prizes to be awarded at the World Urban Forum in April 2014 in Medellin, Colombia. Schools of architecture and urban planning as well as other academic and research institutions are encouraged to include this competition as part of their curriculum and course work.

Ministries of Housing, local authorities, housing corporations and associations of mass housing residents as well as owners and managers of mass housing estates are invited to collaborate with competitors in order to receive as many innovative ideas as possible towards retrofitting these unsuitable housing environments.

The private sector, as part of CSR, is also invited to sponsor prizes which contribute towards the implementation of the inspiring and inventive concepts of local winners in their respective cities.

Through crowd sourcing, this online competition encourages regional and international exchanges of existing good practices as well as original and creative project solutions, concepts and policy implications developed by competitors to address challenges facing national mass housing estates today.

For more information and to express your interest in participating in the competition, please visit:

Mainstreaming Innovation & Cic Start

Posetite Mainstreaming Innovation i Cic Start stranice. Članstvo u oba projekta je besplatno i omogućava pristup interaktivnim vebinarima i snimcima vebinara.